

es ēdu tevi,
tu ēd mani,
un tā mēs abi..
kautkotur baigi labi. yo.

reperis no manis nesanāks, dzejnieks ne tik, taču doma skaidra - cilvēks ir viens rijīgs radījums. lai eksistētu, viņam vajag ēst. tikai ar vienu bulku dienā, pie joda, nepietiek! vajag vēl pabarot prātiņu, pabarot sirsniņu, pabarot actiņas, austiņas, libido un citus dzīvniekus. briesmīgi! turklāt te arī strādā normāla barības ķēde - ja tu kādu ēd, kāds cits ēd tevi! ta-dā! un vispār - es nezinu, vai zinu, ko gribēju ar šito pateikt, bet tas viss mani kaitina.

p.s. es turpinu skatīties 'grey's anatomy' -

in some ways, betrayal is inevitable. when our bodies betray us, surgery is often the key to recovery. when we betray each other, the path to recovery is less clear. we do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that was lost. and then there are some wounds, some betrayals.. that are so deep, so profound that there is no way to repair what was lost. and when that happens, there's nothing left to do but wait.

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